Hello world.
My name is Bill, and I am the new owner of tfield.org, the world’s first digital vanity plate. Finally free from the shackles of my peasant gmail address, I now will be addressed, both online and in person as: billch@tfield.org.
However, the purpose of this magnificent domain is not just to flex my e-peen upon all the lowly gmail, hotmail and yahoo’s that dare to loiter in my inbox. This is because unlike a vanity plate, which is (usually) attached to a shiny car. tfield is attached to fuck all.
To remedy this, the coming months will be a chance for me to pump this puppy full of enough fluff that any visiting stranger to tfield.org will feel sufficiently flexed upon to say something like ‘fair enough mate’, not read anything and close the tab.
Probably. Or at the very least, observing my accelerating mental degradation over the coming winter will prove entertaining in the build-up to the worlds first kimchi related suicide.
Probably. I can’t guarantee anything at all really, you’ll have to just trust me when I say: tfield.org will be the greatest source of human inspiration since Jesus, the moon landing, magic mushrooms, the acoustic guitar, Nintendo 64, and sex.